Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I think this is a clever idea to re-purpose something that has fulfilled it's original use, but I'm not so sure this boot ever had a foot inside of it. There isn't any of the wear and tear that you would normally expect to see on work boots.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Cruising to Chicago on Sunday morning with about 50 other Mini Coopers - SO FUN!! On to Denver for the Mini Rally August 13 & 14.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

No Shirt, No Shoes . . . No Problem

At the Red Dock in Douglas on the Kalamazoo River, life is kind of laid back. The place reminds of bars you might find in Key West or the Caribbean. I couldn't resist taking this picture and the gentleman didn't seem to mind posing. I leave with my husband on a 2 week trip - we will be in Chicago tomorrow and then heading west to Denver for the Mini Cooper Takes the States rally. I'm sure I will be posting pictures that have nothing to do with Saugatuck and West Michigan - hope you don't mind:)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Eat your vegetables

This is some awesome looking produce. Freshly picked and just asking to go home with you. This is what REAL food looks like!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


If you need to wear a life jacket to have a drink at a local watering hole that happens to be on a dock over water, perhaps a bar that is on solid ground would be a better choice. I'm just sayin'. . .

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Solar Eruption

To 'honor' the upcoming solar eruption that is headed in earth's direction over the next 24 - 36 hours - I bring you Saturn Peaches.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pucker up!!

These are the first apples (the variety is Pristine) that I have seen this year and are they ever tart. This is a SURE sign that fall is knocking on our door - even though the summer heat is starting to crank up.


Well, I learned something new about my neck of the woods today - we have a water taxi in the area. It's not quite as elegant as a gondola, but it does get you where you need to go - as long as your destination involves a dock:)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Windows, windows, windows

A lovely setting but I wouldn't like keeping those windows clean!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Next vintage

This year's grape harvest is looking good!! It won't be long before these are off the vine and into a barrel for processing and then bottling. Cheers, Prost, Sláinte, A votre sante, Salute, Kedves egeszsegere . . . . . . . .