Thursday, September 30, 2010


There is something really special happening in West Michigan (Grand Rapids to be specific). It is the 2nd annual ArtPrize and it celebrates the arts all around Grand Rapids. It is amazing to see so many people out during the week in downtown Grand Rapids. There are 1700 pieces of art throughout the city and 1 week from now the winner will be announced. Once a person registers, they can vote for their favorite artist. As of today, the list is narrowed to 10 pieces. For the next several days I am going to post some of the art work that is in GR. If you live close enough I would recommend visiting - ArtPrize goes until October 10. Hope you enjoy the small sampling I'm going to post about.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

SS Keewatin

A stately lady open for tours on the shores of Saugatuck/Douglas. I went to a wedding here - what a magical place to get married! For more information on the history of this retired passenger ship, click here.

Monday, September 27, 2010

To have a menagerie in your yard . . .

What a wonderful yard to gaze upon!! I've walked past this home on the hill in Saugatuck many times - how lucky we are that they share their passion for sculpture with anyone who happens to pass by.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

End of the Season

It just never fails to amaze me how it is summer one day and fall the next. We had fierce winds which brought some amazing waves on Lake Michigan. So long summer, it was fun. Welcome fall!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Back from vacation

OK - I know this isn't West Michigan, but I had to put a picture of our trip through Nebraska - check Carhenge off the bucket list:)

Friday, September 24, 2010