Saturday, September 25, 2010

Back from vacation

OK - I know this isn't West Michigan, but I had to put a picture of our trip through Nebraska - check Carhenge off the bucket list:)


  1. Thanks-just added carhenge to my bucket list which is overflowing at the moment, keith of sherwood

  2. Welcome back! 'Carhenge' --- that's hysterical.

  3. My wife has a Mini D and we are members of our local Mini club. Not been on any runs yet. And I'm sure they wouldn't be as exciting as the one your doing

  4. @ Gailsman - you should check into MINI international. Next summer, there will be a big rally in Germany - if it is anything like the Mini Takes the States rally you won't want to miss it:)
    @SRQ - Carhenge was really funny - totally in the middle of NO WHERE!!!
    @ Susan - It was one of those things you hear about and think 'oh, I would like to see that' - just make sure you are traveling through the area because there isn't much out that way but open space (beautiful space at that).
