Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Clouds

It's funny how the clouds look different in the fall & winter. Maybe they float closer to the ground? You can also see the trees are just beginning to color.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fall Funghi

Not sure what type of toadstools these are but they were itty bitty and really cute.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Last wildflowers of the season

SIGH. . . . it's the end of the flowers, swimming, tourists, eating outside . . . . and the beginning of frost, wind, snow, shoveling, freezing rain, trying to stay out of the ditch . . . . and hot chocolate, crackling fires, cross country skiing, snow days, ice skating, baking bread, making bucket loads of soup & chili . . . OK it's not so bad:)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Adventure in the woods. . . .

There is nothing like a walk in the woods to bring life back into perspective. This is taken at Shore Acres/Saugatuck Dunes State Park.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Calvary, American Officers, 1921 by Chris LaPorte

This is PENCIL drawing of a photograph that was found by the artist while out antiquing. He felt a strong desire to draw the photo and turn it into a 30 foot work of art- what an inspired idea!!! From a distance it looks like a photograph, but as you get near to the work, you realize it is a pencil drawing. This is a top 10 finalist - I won't be surprised if this work takes 1st place.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dancing with Lions by Bill Secunda

This is a pride of lions on the Savannah made from nails that are welded together.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Grace by Scott Gundersen

A portrait of a friend of the artist - Grace is from Rwanda and lived through some awful times. She was captured during the 1994 civil war and was beaten and tortured but somehow survived. This one is made from recycled corks in their natural state.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Coughin "Ashes to Ashes" by D.B. Henkel

What a statement - this coffin is made from cigarette butts and the handles are cigars. Wow - I am really glad that is one habit I don't have (any longer!!).

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Inflorescence by Donna Hapac

A fun sculptural piece that is made from Acrylic nails (fake fingernails!!), nail polish, linen thread and other items. It looks like flowers or maybe some strange kind of jelly fish. What a great use of an unexpected medium.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Steam Pig by Steam Pig Experiment Birks, Jensen

Who says pigs can't fly!! If this doesn't catch your eye - well nothing will. 'Parsifal' the SteamPig is a take on the industrial revolution at the beginning of the 1900's along with a dose of fantasy fiction from Jules Verne and H.G. Wells

Thursday, September 30, 2010


There is something really special happening in West Michigan (Grand Rapids to be specific). It is the 2nd annual ArtPrize and it celebrates the arts all around Grand Rapids. It is amazing to see so many people out during the week in downtown Grand Rapids. There are 1700 pieces of art throughout the city and 1 week from now the winner will be announced. Once a person registers, they can vote for their favorite artist. As of today, the list is narrowed to 10 pieces. For the next several days I am going to post some of the art work that is in GR. If you live close enough I would recommend visiting - ArtPrize goes until October 10. Hope you enjoy the small sampling I'm going to post about.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

SS Keewatin

A stately lady open for tours on the shores of Saugatuck/Douglas. I went to a wedding here - what a magical place to get married! For more information on the history of this retired passenger ship, click here.

Monday, September 27, 2010

To have a menagerie in your yard . . .

What a wonderful yard to gaze upon!! I've walked past this home on the hill in Saugatuck many times - how lucky we are that they share their passion for sculpture with anyone who happens to pass by.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

End of the Season

It just never fails to amaze me how it is summer one day and fall the next. We had fierce winds which brought some amazing waves on Lake Michigan. So long summer, it was fun. Welcome fall!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Back from vacation

OK - I know this isn't West Michigan, but I had to put a picture of our trip through Nebraska - check Carhenge off the bucket list:)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I think this is a clever idea to re-purpose something that has fulfilled it's original use, but I'm not so sure this boot ever had a foot inside of it. There isn't any of the wear and tear that you would normally expect to see on work boots.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Cruising to Chicago on Sunday morning with about 50 other Mini Coopers - SO FUN!! On to Denver for the Mini Rally August 13 & 14.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

No Shirt, No Shoes . . . No Problem

At the Red Dock in Douglas on the Kalamazoo River, life is kind of laid back. The place reminds of bars you might find in Key West or the Caribbean. I couldn't resist taking this picture and the gentleman didn't seem to mind posing. I leave with my husband on a 2 week trip - we will be in Chicago tomorrow and then heading west to Denver for the Mini Cooper Takes the States rally. I'm sure I will be posting pictures that have nothing to do with Saugatuck and West Michigan - hope you don't mind:)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Eat your vegetables

This is some awesome looking produce. Freshly picked and just asking to go home with you. This is what REAL food looks like!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


If you need to wear a life jacket to have a drink at a local watering hole that happens to be on a dock over water, perhaps a bar that is on solid ground would be a better choice. I'm just sayin'. . .

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Solar Eruption

To 'honor' the upcoming solar eruption that is headed in earth's direction over the next 24 - 36 hours - I bring you Saturn Peaches.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pucker up!!

These are the first apples (the variety is Pristine) that I have seen this year and are they ever tart. This is a SURE sign that fall is knocking on our door - even though the summer heat is starting to crank up.


Well, I learned something new about my neck of the woods today - we have a water taxi in the area. It's not quite as elegant as a gondola, but it does get you where you need to go - as long as your destination involves a dock:)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Windows, windows, windows

A lovely setting but I wouldn't like keeping those windows clean!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Next vintage

This year's grape harvest is looking good!! It won't be long before these are off the vine and into a barrel for processing and then bottling. Cheers, Prost, Sláinte, A votre sante, Salute, Kedves egeszsegere . . . . . . . .

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Women in hats seem to elevate an ordinary event to something elegant and special.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Step back in time

This is the only hand cranked chain ferry left in the United States. It crosses the Kalamazoo River at Wick's Park and when you get to the other side of the river it is a modest walk to the beach or you can try climbing the steps of Mount Baldy for some spectacular views of Saugatuck and Lake Michigan.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Oil Spill :(

Well, there has been a large oil spill on a creek that flows into the Kalamazoo River which flows past Saugatuck and empties into Lake Michigan. The current estimates are that 1 million gallons of oil leaked from a broken pipe and is about 80 miles from Lake Michigan. Hopefully, Enbridge (the Calgary based energy company) who owns and maintains this pipeline will be able to contain this spill before if gets to Lake Michigan.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Livin' large

The name of their boat says it all, don't you think? Some people know how to have a good time - they pulled up to Wick's Park to enjoy the live music and their dinner. You can see the chain ferry crossing the river in the background. Have I mentioned what a great summer we are having here in Michigan?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Local flora and fauna

This picture was taken at the West Shore Golf Club in Douglas. Most evenings you can find several deer (as well as turkeys, fox, raccoons, etc) enjoying a stroll on the links.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Music in Wick's Park

It was another great evening in Wick's park. There were a lot of people who came to hear the music this week. I'm not sure if it is the rotten economy bringing so many people to town for a free evening of music or the great setting and gorgeous weather.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Curb appeal

Love how the picket gate, brick pavers and boxwood hedge draw you into the front door of this home.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Life imitates art or art imitates life??

I was out for a walk with my family and my son Bryce, being the good sport he is, posed with the polar bear for me.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Walk this way

What a great front entry to a home. You can tell the owners know how to make their guests' and themselves feel welcome.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fun in Wick's Park

A group of kids and one lone adult having some fun on a summer evening.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Take me to my family

This is a highly trained hunting dog. As you can see, the dog in this shot is intently focused on . . . . . his family - as they finished their ice cream.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Village Puppeteers

Once in a while, when you walk down the streets of Saugatuck, you see some strange creatures! This is one of the creations from the Village Puppeteers who perform frequently in the area and also do puppet workshops for families to make their own puppet. What a great way to spend time with your family

Sunday, July 18, 2010